The Camp

The Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association (SCSCMA), more commonly, “The Camp,” is a Spiritualist Organization. It was founded in 1894 by Spiritualists from the northeast, including a large contingent from our sister community, Lily Dale, NY.

The Camp has been continuously occupied by mediums since the 1800s and is the largest Spiritualist community in the Southeast. The mediums and healers who provide services within the Camp have been certified by the SCSCMA.

Over the years, metaphysical stores and businesses have sprung up in Cassadaga around the perimeter of the 57-acre Camp. Although many of these businesses are owned by like-minded people, they are separate businesses and unaffiliated with the Camp.

The Cassadaga Hotel was once part of the Camp but had to be sold off during the Great Depression for the Camp to remain solvent. The Hotel has been privately owned and separate from the Camp ever since.

Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp is a proud part of

DeLand and Greater Volusia Chamber of Commerce

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