TMJ Massage

A TMJ focused massage with Melinda with Reconnecting Flow here at Pure Bliss Deland, is a specialized massage that targets the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the surrounding muscles. It’s designed to alleviate pain, tension, and discomfort related to TMJ disorders. The therapist uses techniques to release tension in the jaw, face, and neck, promoting relaxation and providing relief from TMJ-related symptoms. If you’re experiencing TMJ issues, a therapeutic massage focused on TMJ can be a valuable part of your treatment plan.

TMJ (Tempo Roman fibulae Joint) massage can be beneficial for individuals experiencing various symptoms, including:

1. Jaw pain or tenderness.

2. Frequent headaches.

3. Difficulty in opening or closing the mouth.

4. Clicking or popping sounds when moving the jaw.

5. Facial pain or tension.

6. Neck and shoulder tension.

7. Earaches or ringing in the ears.

8. Discomfort while chewing or talking.

9. Locking of the jaw.

Relief can be found, just an appointment away!

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