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Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce

In 1923, the Chamber was granted a charter, which is registered at the Courthouse. The social club setting of the Chamber changed to a more serious outlook on business and industry with the faltering of the coal industry in the late 1940s. The Chamber of Commerce became the main vehicle to help turn this economy around. A group of concerned business and professional men established the Indiana Community Development Corporation and the Greater Indiana Development Corporation to aid in raising money for industrial development. All of the donations were deposited into a rotating savings account, which still exists to this day. Some of the early industries to come to the county through Chamber efforts were Indiana Sportswear, Robertshaw controls, Season-all Industries, and Fisher Scientific. In 1960, the Chamber changed its name to the Indiana County Chamber of Commerce and developed a financial division to give aid to the industries interested in locating in the county. Though still mainly devoted to industrial growth and development, the Chamber has volunteer committees, which take on community and educational projects and programs. The Chamber of Commerce, its board of directors, its staff, and its membership are determined to make Indiana County the most economically stable county in the state through industrial development.

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About Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce

In 1923, the Chamber was granted a charter, which is registered at the Courthouse. The social club setting of the Chamber changed to a more serious outlook on business and industry with the faltering of the coal industry in the late 1940s. The Chamber of Commerce became the main vehicle to help turn this economy around. A group of concerned business and professional men established the Indiana Community Development Corporation and the Greater Indiana Development Corporation to aid in raising money for industrial development. All of the donations were deposited into a rotating savings account, which still exists to this day. Some of the early industries to come to the county through Chamber efforts were Indiana Sportswear, Robertshaw controls, Season-all Industries, and Fisher Scientific.

In 1960, the Chamber changed its name to the Indiana County Chamber of Commerce and developed a financial division to give aid to the industries interested in locating in the county. Though still mainly devoted to industrial growth and development, the Chamber has volunteer committees, which take on community and educational projects and programs.

The Chamber of Commerce, its board of directors, its staff, and its membership are determined to make Indiana County the most economically stable county in the state through industrial development.